Middle School Students FAQ


Q. What kind of high school entrance exams are there?

A. There is the SHSAT (Specialized High School Admissions Test) for specialized public high schools, such as Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, and Brooklyn Tech, the ISEE (Independent School Entrance Examination) and SSAT (Secondary School Aptitude Test) for NYC private schools, and then school-specific exams such as HCHS (Hunter College High School) Admissions Exam, the Regis High School Exam, and the Laguardia High School audition.



Q. When are these exams? 

A. SHSAT: Mid-October
ISEE: End of November
SSAT: Once a month from October to June
HCHS: January
Regis: End of September
Many school specific exams happen during different times of the year depending on where you live. Check the school's websites for more specific information.

Q. What do these exams test?

A. Subject matter varies slightly depending on the exam you are taking, but all of them encompass ELA and math within the 8th-9th grade level. Some tests have unique sections, such as the SHSAT which has logic parts and the HCHS which has an essay.